APK (file format)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Android application package file (APK) is the file format used to distribute and install application software and middleware onto Google's Android operating system. To make an APK file, a program for Android is first compiled, and then all of its parts are packaged into one file. An APK file contains all of that program's code (such as .dex files), resources, assets, certificates, and manifest file. As is the case with many file formats, APK files can have any name needed, provided that the file name ends in ".apk".
How to unpack apk file
Apktool is a Windows/Mac/Linux utility for reverse engineering Android apps.
You can download Apktool here-> https://code.google.com/p/android-apktool/downloads/list
Put files wherever you like in your computer.
Extract files to a folder.
Put your apk file which you want to unpack into the same folder.
Run cmd.exe from your start menu.
Type in <cd<space>"your path location to the folder"> without the quotes and the arrows.
For example, mine would look like this:
cd D:\MyWork\bin\sdk\platform-tools\apktools
Then you type in <apktool d "your .apk name"> without the quotes and the arrows. Mine would look like this:
apktool d sample.apk
If you are windows user, this is more simple method.
Right click your .apk file and open with data compression utility like WinRar, Alzip.